A very hard thing for me to talk about.
Sorry for abandoning the blog. I haven't updated really since the Us review/analysis of woke ableism. I have articles in the works, but they've largely been abandoned for a while. I probably should've started the blog back up when the whole coronavirus thing started to kick into high gear - I had a lot of free time, I had a lot of rambling I wanted other people to read. But I've been meaning to write this thing for a while that, alas, this has taken first priority. I am scared to write this. You have no idea how scared I am to even relate these events to you. I want to leave them long behind me, but the moment has come where inaction has become too much. Too many people not giving a shit about the situation at hand here. From 2012 up to 2016, popular ex-YouTube Pooper/Soundclown artist/DJ/Weird Twitter pioneer Radock abused and gaslit me. Not physically, Lord no - I live nowhere close to her - but all throughout the Internet, she and several of her friends would constan...